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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day One

My name is Tristen, most of my family calls me Tris. I am a college student at Bethel University and an majoring in Art, and minoring in English. Once I receive my B.A., I plan to go on to a school where I can work towards receiving my M.F.A ( Masters of Fine Arts). I've recently been looking at different programs in the area, but I think I will apply to Southern Illinois University as well as Purdue University, and maybe even Notre Dame. I'm super excited. If, for some strange awful reason, I can't get into an MFA program, I will go on to get my masters in teaching so that I can go on to teach at (at least) a High School. My hope is to go into areas where art is either limited or neglected and give people the chance to learn and participate. I grew up in a very small town rural area where football was the only thing people paid attention to. Don't get me wrong, I really like football too, but I was extremely interested in drawing and painting and graphic design, but no one in the school was qualified to teach such things nor did the school have funding for such a thing, I could have been as simple as teaching kids how to draw. All they would need are regular school supplies for simple drawing classes. So, in a small tangent, thats my purpose for going through college for this particular degree. Its something I really enjoy and would like to share with others. I REALLY want to get my MFA to teach more at the college level. Thats my real hope. This blog is for the photogrpahy class I am taking at Bethel and will be posting about the things we cover and different artisits and their work as well as our own.